CBD oil and psoriasis: how CBD can treat this autoimmune disease

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Psoriasis, although it may seem like a skin disease, it is actually an autoimmune disorder. And this means that you may be able to treat it effectively with the help of hemp cannabinoids! Find out how it can help treat psoriasis CBD oil and CBD cream.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “the reported prevalence of psoriasis ranges from 0.09% to 11.43%, making psoriasis a serious global problem with at least 100 million people worldwide.”

Although visible on the skin, psoriasis is not classified as a skin disorder, but as an autoimmune disorder. It is a chronic condition characterized by swollen and “scaly” red spots on the skin, caused by accelerated mitosis and reduced maturation of certain cells in the epidermis. In short: abnormal cell division.

The most common symptoms include redness and flaking, swelling, pain and discomfort on the affected skin. Symptoms may vary, but most patients report itching, burning, or pain on dry, damaged skin.

In addition, about a quarter of patients may develop psoriatic arthritis. This is a chronic inflammation of the joints comparable to rheumatoid arthritis. Although itching and damaged skin may not be extremely serious, these symptoms can compromise patients’ quality of life. These can lead to stress and anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.

Conventional treatment for psoriasis

Conventional psoriasis treatments often include creams or phototherapy. And if these treatments do not work, systemic treatment may be considered. This is a treatment from the inside, unlike the one that works from the outside.

In systemic treatment, patients may be offered a variety of chemical pharmaceuticals. However, these medicines come with a long list of possible – and sometimes even conflicting – side effects, including:

  • Digestive problems
  • Liver function problems
  • Fewer white and red blood cells
  • Dry skin
  • Sensitivity to sunlight
  • Nictalopia – difficulties in view of night or in low light
  • Decreased renal function
  • High blood pressure
  • Cholesterol rise
  • Increased susceptibility to infections
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Chest pain
  • Insomnia
  • migraines

Moreover, these drugs are not cheap. So, in addition to having a very long list of possible side effects, these pharmaceuticals will probably cost you a fortune.

That’s why it’s worth looking for natural and safe alternatives, such as hemp cannabinoids!

Endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the skin

The receptors in our body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) are well represented in our largest organ: the skin. Various studies show the potential of stimulating these ECS receptors with the help of vegetable cannabinoids in hemp, in the treatment of disorders such as psoriasis.

For example, an experimental study shows that certain cannabinoids could inhibit accelerated cell division in the epidermis. What makes hemp-based skin care cosmetics, such as CBD cream, a treatment for psoriasis. This is supported by the findings of a study in Hungary, where scientists showed that skin ECS is primarily responsible for cell division, cell growth, apoptosis (the ability of a cell to kill itself when needed) and the production of hormones, sebum and hair follicles.

CBD treatment for psoriasis

Cannabinoid-based skin care cosmetics such as CBD cream help regulate these underlying processes and have been scientifically proven to be an effective treatment for psoriasis and other similar disorders.

But external use of cannabinoids is not the only way hemp can help treat psoriasis and possibly reduce its symptoms.

Psoriasis can be aggravated by stress. Given that ingesting CBD oil products can help lower the production of excessive stress hormones in your body, it may be helpful to include an oral CBD product – such as CBD oil – in your treatment for psoriasis.
