CBD against Covid-19
Continuing the topic of Covid-19, maybe someone said that it is no longer relevant. But now there is really another surge in the incidence due to wet, cold, snowy weather. In order to protect yourself from this “thorn” you can take oil for prevention. And those who are already sick or know such, then the article is especially for you!

KLAGENFURT — To date, there is no completely effective cure for coronavirus. Therefore, doctors and scientists around the world are in search. The Klagenfurt clinic has successfully used cannabis in the treatment of patients.
Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is the name of the active ingredient in cannabis that has helped some coronavirus patients at a clinic in the Austrian city of Klagenfurt. According to the ORF of Carinthia, the cannabis product has been used in the intensive care unit for some time.

CBD against Covid-19
For three weeks, part of the patients received a dose of first 200 and then 300 milligrams of CBD per day. According to Rudolf Likar, head of the intensive care unit, this had an anti-inflammatory and positive effect on the patients’ immune system.
“We have seen that inflammation parameters in the blood are reduced, and people leave the hospital and return home faster compared to a group of patients who received conventional treatment. CBD supports the immune system,” Likar explains.