CBD could help doctors lower chemotherapy doses

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Scientists led by Professor Alexander Binstock, head of the Pain Plasticity research group at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, have developed a method that delivers chemotherapy drugs directly to malignant cells and bypasses healthy cells.

Physicians could potentially use this method to reduce chemotherapy doses for patients, resulting in less unpleasant side effects and improved adherence and overall prognosis.

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“Most cancer treatments are not specific enough, which means they attack healthy cells along with the malignant ones they are trying to get rid of.”, - explained Binstock.

“This leads to many of the serious side effects associated with chemotherapy. Removing cancer cells while leaving healthy cells is an important step in reducing patient suffering.”, - he said.

Binstock and his team at Frontiers in Pharmacology describe how they used cannabidiol (CBD) and another agent to activate the TRPV2 protein to open a channel within liver cancer cell membranes. They then injected a low dose of doxorubicin into the canal and directly into the cancer cells.

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They found that “Doxorubicin-mediated cell death is significantly more effective when combined with CBD and requires a significantly lower dose.”

"It's too early for concrete predictions, but we hope this discovery will lead to a new, more targeted chemotherapy delivery method that will drastically reduce patient pain."Binstock concluded.

The participating scientists were Hagit Neiman-Raziel, Asaf Shiloh, Shaya Lev, Maxim Mogilevsky, Ben Katz, David Schneor, Yoav D. Shaul, Alberto Gabizon, Rotem Karni and Alik Honigman from the Hebrew University and Andreas Loeffler from the Hannover Medical School in Germany.

Source: https://www.israel21c.org/cbd-could-help-doctors-use-lower-doses-of-chemotherapy/
