Testosterone, CBD & Male Reproductive System

CBD Treatment

Surprisingly, very few studies have examined the direct effects of marijuana on male fertility. This can be attributed mainly to legal and ethical considerations that make research nearly impossible to conduct clinical research in humans. The current body of knowledge related to this topic consists mainly of a number of previous studies in humans and recent studies in animals and in vitro. Despite these limitations, it is clear that marijuana and its compounds can affect male fertility at many levels.

Several studies explain the deregulation of the HPG axis and a specific decrease in key hormones such as luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which in turn can affect testosterone [Т] and production seeds. Other studies show the opposite effect – an increase in LH levels as a result of smoking cannabis. (6) visible This marijuana May affect sperm parameters and function by acting through cannabinoid receptors (CB1R and CB2R) and vanilloid receptors [TRPV1-3 – временный катионный канал потенциального рецептора]…

In addition, sexual health has also been linked to marijuana because it appears to have a positive effect on erectile function in men. Social studies They found cannabis to be an effective aphrodisiac (stimulating sexual desire), suggesting an additional link between cannabis and the “bedroom” (in vivo) that can be found in the laboratory (in vitro).
With changes in legislation and decriminalization of marijuana use and citing the fact that some studies report Conflicting findingsIt is extremely important to conduct further clinical trials to study the effects of marijuana use in more detail. Although human studies are scarce and far removed from each other in their observations today, current speculation supports the assertion that marijuana use may have detrimental effects on male reproductive potential.

It will also be interesting to examine the effects of marijuana use on tobacco smokers, as a recent study found that cigarette smokers are also more likely to use cannabis, while cigarette smokers in fertile vapors have lower ejaculation volumes despite higher serum T levels (6 ). Increases in semen pH and ROS (reactive oxygen species) concentration in men have been found as a result of exposure to environmental toxins and poor nutrition.

All of these results highlight the fact that doctors should include questions about marijuana use when assessing male fertility. Medical professionals must be aware of the connection and potential effects of marijuana on male fertility when prescribing medical marijuana.
Currently, research on cannabis and reproduction remains preliminary, With conflicting results and no clear conclusions.

There is no doubt that health and medical use of marijuana will continue to grow and become even more prevalent in the near future. Taking into account the deep involvement of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the regulation of the male reproductive system and the direct influence of exogenous cannabinoids on the balance (homeostasis) of the endocannabinoid system and the reproductive system. The reproductive effects of smoking marijuana in both sexes definitely warrant further study.
