Calculate your daily dose of CBD oil

CBD Oil info

The correct determination of the required number of drops is the first step towards effective treatment. Paracelsus, who is considered the forerunner of modern pharmacology, said: “Everything is poison, and nothing is without poison; one dose makes the poison invisible “(in a popular presentation:” Everything is a poison, everything is a medicine; both determine the dose.

Dosed cannabis medicines are currently available on the market in the form of concentrated extracts, capsules, sublingual sprays, and other products.

CBD hemp oil

Strong extracts hemp oil have different ratios of CBD and THC, which are measured according to needs and sensitivity of individual patients. Treatment cannabis “with calculation” . The correct determination of the required number of drops is the first step towards effective treatment.

You can calculate your daily dose of CBD here

At anxiety, depression, convulsions and pediatric convulsive manifestations, many patients start with moderate doses of the CBD-dominated drug (the ratio of CBD to THC is more than 10:1). A low dose of THC, while not narcotic, is not necessarily the best treatment.

When combined, CBD and THC are likely to have a greater therapeutic effect on a wider range of diseases than CBD and THC alone alone. With cancer, neurological problems, and many other ailments, patients can benefit from drugs with a balanced ratio of CBD and THC. Extensive clinical studies have shown that THC and CBD in a 1:1 ratio is the most effective drug in the treatment of neuropathic (neurogenic) pain.

Optimizing cannabis therapeutic doses could mean slow a step-by-step process in which patients start with small dosages of the drug to higher concentrations of CBD and gradually increase the dose of THC in the drug.

The goal is

so that the patient is able to find a suitable dose of the drug in such a way that the dose of the drug enriched with CBD contains as much THC as the patient can tolerate.

Read 7 dosage rules in our article –
