Cannabis collection 2019

CBD Oil info

Traditional hemp harvest

We harvested hemp for hemp tea by hand in a field surrounded by pine trees and in a nearby hop garden, where we took refuge at a time when we needed to hide in the shade from the sun and the command tent was crowded 🙂

Aja Collect Konopli

Despite this year’s struggle with drought, our harvest was beautifully green and fragrant 🙂 We harvested by hand, relying on natural air drying.

Family atmosphere

This year the collection was truly family-friendly – about 20 temporary workers from all over the Czech Republic came to us and there were no missing children and dogs, because we are one big family! For lunch we had delicious goulash made on the first day, baked chicken and cold beer from the newly opened Olešná brewery – we can just enjoy it 🙂

Konoplia Na Collection Konopli

The weather is like a swing

We gradually get used to the fact that the next day it always rains at the harvest. This year was no different. However, this did not discourage our wonderful workers – the next day, when the weather turned bad, we took a break from harvesting and devoted ourselves to other activities – studying the surrounding nature, etc.

Hemp tea with love from Cannadorra

Hemp grass is air-dried, which is then processed and used to make hemp tea. So you can count on first-class quality with love collected and cared for with due care.

Jakub Collection Konopli

Many thanks to everyone who took part in the harvest and participated in it! We wouldn’t have done this without you.

In the meantime, for those who are interested in how this kind of cannabis harvesting works, you can watch the following video:

Your Cannadorra Team
