CBD oil: everything you need to know

CBD Oil info

CBD oil is a hemp extract used in medicine as an adjuvant (food supplement) in the treatment of various diseases. In this article, we will understand the dosages, legislation, production and principles of the effect of oil on the human body.

CBD oil is a hemp extract from legal hemp varieties that contains a cocktail of therapeutic cannabinoids, primarily containing CBD – cannabidol. The content of THC in the product does not exceed the legal limit of 0.2%.

CBD oil: dosage and application:

Drops of CBD oil are absorbed through the mucous membrane (oral cavity) or taken with food and drink. For prevention, take 1-5 drops per day. In cases of concomitant treatment – up to 10 drops daily, in severe cases – more than 10 drops daily. You should always start with a small dosage and gradually increase it. Dosage for children is calculated based on weight. There are no contraindications.

CBD oil helps in the treatment of:

Nausea, vomiting, autism, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, autoimmune diseases such as: allergies and asthma, liver and brain damage, inflammation, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, cancer, and also suitable for daily prevention of common diseases by lowering the pH level organism.

CBD oil and legislation:

CBD oil – hemp extract – according to Czech law is a “raw material for further processing”, like all plants. CBD oil is a pure plant extract diluted in hemp seed oil.

You should know that unsprouted hemp seeds, unlike adult plants, do not have a psychotropic effect because they do not contain THC, and therefore their turnover with their participation is not criminally punishable and is loyal in all countries of the world: in confirmation of this, the abundance of handmade decorative ornaments work with hemp seeds, in health food stores and in pet stores.

Production of CBD oil:

CBD oil is produced by distillation, a method known since ancient times and used to separate liquids by distillation. The liquid mixture is obtained by soaking cannabis flowers in alcohol, which releases all the cannabinoids contained in the flower. After distillation, the allowable THC content should not exceed 0.2%while the remaining cannabinoids can be contained in any amount, which allows you to create a cocktail of cannabinoids – CBD oil.

The principle of action of CBD oil in the human body:

In the human body, there are nerve receptors CB1 and CB2. They are located primarily in the central and peripheral nervous systems. CB1 receptors are most abundant in the brain! These receptors respond to (activate or deactivate) cannabinoids – those that the body produces itself (endocannabinoids), as well as plant-based ones, such as CBD, CBN and THC. CBD acts primarily on CB1 receptors (located in the brain) preventing the activation of dopamine and contributing to the inhibition of hyperactivity. In this way, CBD calms the nervous and immune systems and thus helps with nervous and mental problems, as well as autoimmune diseases that are caused by an overreaction of the immune system.

Cannabis in individual medicine
