What is CBD and Its Benefits

CBD Oil info

In our humble opinion, neither the experienced rastafan nor the new Mary J admirer should forget about self-development. After all, the more knowledge about the Queen of Herbs, the higher the culture of consuming products from it. A conscious approach to the process guarantees vivid sensations without harm to health. Therefore, today we are analyzing the abbreviation CBD, which you have probably heard or read about.

What is cannabidiol (CBD)?

Cannabis produces over 400 different natural chemicals, about 60 of which are unique, that is, produced only in this plant. These compounds are called cannabinoids. So, CBD is one of the cannabinoids. Its share is about 40% of the total number of unique substances. Found in stems and flowers of cannabis.



Only one of the cannabinoids, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), has a psychoactive effect.

Unlike THC, CBD does not cause euphoria, hallucinations, or other psychoactive effects. Moreover, CBD and THC can be almost completely separated from each other – so that CBD contains no more than 0.3% THC.

Read also: What is THC in marijuana: high or more?

In a word, cannabidiol is just such a “purified” substance that has a positive recreational effect on the body:

  • helps to lower blood pressure. We are sure: with the current hectic pace of life, eternal deadlines and work stresses, this is a useful feature!
  • normalizes sleep. And who among us does not want to lie down in his bed at 23.00 and wake up fresh May roses around 7 am?
  • boosts immunity. With the COVID-19 pandemic, comments, as they say, are superfluous;
  • improves emotional state, etc. CBD products are great for anxiety, blues and psychological overload.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? And it deserves a more detailed discussion.

How does CBD work?

Now that we figured out what kind of “beast” this CBD is, it’s time to be surprised at the wide range of its action. So cbd cannadis:

Action of CBD

Action of CBD

  • relieves the symptoms of epilepsy. Scientists have found that taking CBD oil reduces the frequency and intensity of seizures in this disease, and does so gently – without side effects, like pharmacological drugs. What’s more: In 2018, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the epilepsy drug Epidiolex, which is based on cannabidiol CBD;
  • reduces nausea and increases appetite. This fact has been scientifically proven in countries where CBD cannabis is used to alleviate conditions from cancer, eating disorders, etc.;
  • reduces both acute and chronic pain. Meticulous Americans found out: 11.2% of them suffer from chronic pain of various nature. As a rule, pain syndrome is caused by an inflammatory process in the body. CBD cannabis, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, reduces the level of pain. Unlike strong painkillers, it does not cause side effects and addiction;
  • slows down the development of cancerous tumors. Scientific studies have confirmed the fact that CBD oil stops the development of malignant cells, which improves the prognosis for the patient both in terms of quality of life and its duration;
  • helps to quit smoking. A sharp refusal to take tobacco is fraught with hand tremors, dry mouth, and most importantly, an obsessive desire to take a drag on a cigarette. So: moderate consumption of CBD during this period reduces these symptoms. The chances of forever saying goodbye to smoking increase significantly;
  • improves the condition of the skin with acne. And the point is all the same anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil. Creams based on it help to normalize metabolic processes in the epidermis, relieve inflammation, and accelerate the healing of the skin after cosmetic procedures. And even if you do not claim the title of “Miss World”, clear skin suits everyone;
  • indicated for type 1 diabetes. In fact, this type of diabetes is an immune disease: in it, a person’s immune system attacks the pancreas, causing it to become inflamed. And cannabis oil helps restore this organ;
  • relieves anxiety, suspiciousness, nervous tension. CBD oil and other cannabidiol products interact with the human nervous system, smoothing out negative mental states. This positively affects the overall quality of life and the ability to communicate with other people. So sometimes CBD is what you need after a painful break in a relationship or a non-switching off internal “function” to make a molehill out of a molehill;
  • streamlines the thought process. American researchers claim that due to the improvement in cognitive functions, after minimal doses of CBD oil, the subjects more easily absorbed new information and found relationships between objects, generated new ideas faster and found ways to implement them;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system. Scientists suggest that this is due to the fact that CBD allows you to effectively cope with psycho-emotional stress that destroys the heart and blood vessels.

Not a bad list of “uses” of CBD in medicine, isn’t it? But how to correctly use CBD for a rastaman who wants only a quality chill-out? We share information!

How to use CBD?

When it comes to recreational marijuana, a smoky room is often drawn in the head of the uninitiated, in which the followers of the Great Jah inhale his gifts. But in fact, in order to see the benefits of CBD, you can use:

Perhaps we have listed the most common ways to use CBD. But there is an idea that the future belongs to legalization. This means that with the legalization and increase in demand for medical cannabis, new forms of its use will also appear.

Today, hemp-derived CBD is legal throughout the United States and in numerous European countries. Well, we expect innovations in our open spaces!

How long does CBD stay in the body?

A true rastaman is an adept at the conscious use of any marijuana product, including those with CBD. And this obliges to know how long the substance will linger in the body.

How long does CBD stay in the body?

How long does CBD stay in the body?

Studies conducted on patients with Huntington’s disease have shown that cannabidiol is not detected in the blood and urine for 2-5 days after ingestion. This indicator depends on many factors, the main of which are:

  • the amount of CBD taken;
  • person’s weight. The greater the mass of a person, the faster the CBD molecules left the body;
  • floor. In most cases, the effect of CBD on women was longer than on men.

Side effects of CBD

As much as you would like to become the owner of a pot of magic oil that makes thoughts bright and life easy, you must remember that side effects are possible when taking CBD. They rarely occur, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, however, information about the side effects will never be superfluous:

    • dry mouth. Research in 2016 proved that the receptors responsible for the processing of cannabinoids are located in the submandibular glands. They are also responsible for the production of saliva. But the body is designed in such a way that when these same glands are involved in the absorption of CBD, they stop producing saliva. So there is the very effect of “cotton mouth” and a feeling of thirst. Well, keep a bottle of your favorite mineral water handy!
    • lowering blood pressure. This usually happens right after taking CBD and lasts no longer than a few minutes. But still, if you take some medications to normalize blood pressure, you can’t do without consulting a doctor – it will be so calm!
    • dizziness. Occurs as a result of a short-term decrease in blood pressure when taking large doses of SBD. Again, this doesn’t last long. Looks like it’s time for a cup of strong tea or coffee;
    • increased tremor in Parkinson’s disease. Occurs when taking very large doses of CBD. And although this is not dangerous, it complicates household chores, for example, eating, dressing, cleaning, etc. Experts recommend that patients with Parkinson’s begin with very small doses, observing their well-being, coordination of movements, speech;



  • drowsiness. It’s all very individual, but in most cases, small doses of CBD give a mild burst of energy, and large ones cause a desire to take a nap. If your plan didn’t include “hugging a pillow,” just don’t go overboard with CBD.

Naturally, we are not talking about CBD with THC (THC), which gives a psychoactive effect, but about a “pure” product. Information about the composition should be indicated on its packaging, so watch out!

As you can see, in a progressive society, cannabis is actively used for “peaceful” purposes – for treatment and just relaxation. Modern science has learned how to extract CBD from the Queen of Herbs – a substance that will not arrange a journey into the depths of your subconscious, but will help solve many other problems. Peace and ease of being!

