What is the difference between shelled and unshelled hemp seeds?

CBD Oil info
  • Hulled hemp seeds

The hulled hemp seed is carefully cleaned to retain all the nutrients. It has a subtle nutty flavor similar to, for example, sunflower or sesame seeds.

It is known for being an excellent source of quality protein and contains all essential amino acids, vitamins (A, B, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and F) and minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc…).

Hemp seeds are distinguished by their exceptional content of essential omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic acid) and omega 6 (alpha-linoleic acid). These substances are especially important for the control and interaction of vital processes in the body, the proper functioning of cell walls, nerves, immunity and the cardiovascular system, they also serve as a source of energy. They have an antioxidant effect.

Purified hemp seeds should be part of the diet, especially for vegetarians, vegans, children, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and athletes. It perfectly supports the body even during increased physical and mental stress.


  • Unshelled hemp seeds

The unhulled hemp seed is crunchier, has a hard skin that is harder to consume, but contains a high amount of fiberwhich helps cleanse the intestines and supports the digestive system. For better digestibility, it can be soaked in water for several hours or ground.

Therefore, the unshelled seeds are a suitable supplement for detoxification or weight loss. You can use them on their own as a preventive measure and thereby prevent possible bowel problems.

How are hemp seeds used?

Hemp seeds, both shelled and unshelled, have a wide range of uses, just like other oilseeds.

They do not need to be heat treated to preserve valuable substances. You can easily add them to regular dishes such as salads, pastas, soups, mixed with cereals, yoghurts, muesli, etc. They are also suitable for direct consumption.

If you want to add hemp seeds to baked goods such as bread, cookies, cakes or hash browns, we recommend unhulled seeds, which retain their nutrients better through the skin.
