CBD and the main cannabinoids in hemp oil

CBD Oil info

Powdered hemp juice with CBD apple flavor.

Hemp juice with CBD in powder form, which contains CBDC (cannabinoid acid), is unique combination green power of Czech hemp and Czech apples. The drink is as close as possible to the natural way of obtaining useful substances from hemp and apples, and also very tasty.

– The herbal mixture harmonizes the processes in the body and supports the natural defenses.
– It has a beneficial effect on heart rate, digestion, skin health, muscle health, joint function, cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
– Ideal for cocktails and energy supplements.

Juice preparation:

Pour 200 ml of warm water into a teaspoon with a slide. Shake the drink in a shaker or mix in a blender. You can add any fruits/vegetables.

Compound:Dried apple powder (75%), fine powder of hemp flowers and leaves with fibers (25%)
